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"I can't breathe."


collaborative work with Takamitsu Miyagawa

2020年、ジョージ・フロイドの死をきっかけにBLM(BLACK LIVES MATTER)が日本でもムーヴメントとして沸き起こった。真っ黒の画像をSNSに投稿する友人や知人、有名人。しかし、それは数日で終わった。「ムーヴメント」として終止符を打ったのだ。









In 2020, the death of George Floyd triggered a BLM (BLACK LIVES MATTER) movement in Japan. Friends, acquaintances, and celebrities posting pitch-black images on SNS. But it was over in a few days. The "movement" came to an end.


The memory of too much violence is drowned out by sensationalism.In a world where everyone goes back and forth between discriminator and discriminated, we are losing our sense of compensation/assertion and awareness/recognition.The incidents that are happening in the world are not sudden, but are all happening on the continuation.That is why the attitude of reconfirming the information that has surfaced is always in question.

I belong to a sexual minority, and when I fully recognized that I belonged to that genre, it was as if I had suddenly jumped into a place that I had bird's-eye view on for so long. It was an act of relativizing myself and sampling my past self, and in that fluidity, I gained an overwhelming sense of reality and openness. By recognizing the scope of society and one's own attributes, they become major pillars that support the self.

However, in a world where the common sense and desires of society are justified over my own purest self-consciousness and senses, my body often felt disconnected from society and from women until I recognized my sexual orientation. Such denial from a third party and in a dilemma with my skeptical body, I seek a connection with the outside world.

In this way, by becoming a party to certain incidents I realized the reason for the suffocation I had felt for so long. The overflowing amount of information in today's world is the cause of our inability to notice and obscures our perception.

No catharsis can be created in the midst of suffocation. That is why we have to repeat the thought of recognition and re-recognition in our daily lives.

This photo was taken at the same time as those at the beginning of this article (early June 2020). Although the work was not originally based around BLM, I borrowed George Floyd’s words for the title because of the timing of the shooting, to keep the movement from ending up as a "movement," and to believe in what lies beyond the suffocation.


CURATED by Yuki Tawada+Shigeo Goto

Galerie Aube 2021,3/19 - 3/29

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